Our solution

Ozone-based treatment plants

Ozone-based technology eliminates 95% of aflatoxin contamination in grains and other crops.

The finished product is acceptable for human consumption or export.

What is Aflatoxin?

Aflatoxin is a type of naturally occurring mycotoxin produced mainly by the Aspergillus fungi.

Suitable conditions for the fungi are present in countries located between 40N and 40S latitude (all of Africa).

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates that 25 percent of world food crops are affected by aflatoxin.

Crops affected by aflatoxin (and other mycotoxins) include maize, sorghum, teff, millet, rice, oilseeds, spices, groundnuts, cassava, chocolate and coffee.

Global health & economic issues

The CDC estimates that over 4.5 billion people are exposed to aflatoxin.

Farmers lose billions of dollars in export opportunities each year due to aflatoxin.


Health issues include cancer, stunting and lowered immunity to disease. Infants and young children are particularly at risk.


An international food processing company, for example, has stopped buying groundnuts from West Africa.

the value chain

Aflatoxin in the value chain.
Commodity companies
Government strategic grain reserves
Consumer food companies

Target Sectors

We focus on three main sectors:
Food Processing &
Commodity Trading

Companies that purchase grains, nuts and other commodities for processing or export must often reject the crops delivered to their warehouses due to aflatoxin contamination. In some cases, these companies have banned entire countries from supplying certain commodities (e.g. groundnuts) due to the prevalence of aflatoxin throughout the value chain. By treating contaminated commodities before they are processed, Aflazero prevents the presence of aflatoxins in consumer food products.


The strategic grain reserves maintained by national governments are critical to ensuring food security in times of harvest shortfalls. When these reserves are exposed to aflatoxin, they must be incinerated at 800 degrees Celsius. In addition to destroying the entire grain supply, the incineration can cost several million dollars.

Humanitarian Aid

The UN and related NGOs deliver staple crops to millions of beneficiaries each year. Many of the crops they source from local farmers or traders are contaminated with aflatoxin. Aflazero can provide remediation services at the main aggregation warehouses, rendering the crops safe for delivery to local communities.  


Aflazero’s mission is zero aflatoxin in the world’s food.

Dramatically improve food security and food safety.

Remediate aflatoxin-contaminated national grain reserves.

Increase farmers' income by rendering contaminated crops suitable for export.

Improve the health of millions of people by removing aflatoxin from staple foods.